What is a Series 600 Charbroiler?
The Series 600 charbroilers have an updated, computer designed heat pattern to provide the most even heat of any charbroiler in its class! Special baffles provide edge-to-edge even heat. In fact, the edge-to-edge 600 F temperature is so constant, that’s why we named it Series 600. MagiKitch’n’s development of a much more even heating system makes it a great charbroiler that requires little cooking experience and can reduce food scrap.
The enhanced Series 600 charbroiler line with its computer designed, even cooking pattern provides easier operation and control during rush periods. Solid cold-rolled steel top cooking grid; free-floating rods prevent warping. Patented, E-Z tilt top grid controls grease and flare-up, which drains up to 70% of the grease into a front trough, when tilted. |